Thursday, September 18, 2008


Back turned, she swore silently as the mark deepened red with pain. A searing hot sensation emitted from that one spot and spread throughout her whole body as if it were a disease that threatened to take her. She shook her head, refusing to give in, and took the shine of the blade as a sign. There was still moonlight shining over her like a mother watching her baby and waiting for their forever slumber.

A creak of the door woke her from her thoughts and she turned, quickly, but not fast enough to see. It had slipped in. How could she have been so careless? The even thumping of a heart sped faster into a rapid beat. Her head felt light and she gasped with horror of what was to come. The blurring images of what was once reality was dissipating before her into black and white oblivion. Her swaying movements were uncoordinated, yet graceful, like the death of a newborn and then there was nothing.

[[To be continued...?]]

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