Sunday, January 25, 2009


Swirls of bright light shone in the sky
Where once I was there to tell myself a lie
The only truth of it is that I actually said goodbye
But that’s something not even my friends would buy
So the least I could do was my very best to try
The things in life I’d left out to die

Where I am, I cannot die
The sun that will set still lingers in the sky
So I can’t ignore the thoughts that try
To always make everything to me seem more like a lie
But what else am I supposed to do but buy
This idea of saying my last goodbye

I remember the day of that last goodbye
When my grandfather had left without a word to die
I went out to the store, knowing not what to buy
So I looked up to see the clouds in the sky
Where puffs of white fluff looked down at my lie
And I felt shame in my heart because I knew I didn’t try

I didn’t know why I lost my will to try
Or why I was ready for that sorrowful goodbye
Maybe I’m still holding on to a lie
Or maybe I myself am ready to die
So I’ll look up to my grandfather in the sky
And whatever he tells me, I’ll probably buy

In grandfather’s shop that he left me, people buy
With a smile, but no matter how hard I try
I just can’t keep my head from the clouds that sleep in the sky

***Another attempt at a sestina (MAJOR FAILURE!!! Dx)


Kayla said...

You have skills D:

Celeste said...

Hahah thanks lol but the content isn't very good :P