Sunday, March 22, 2009

Through the door

He came rushing through the door that I thought I had locked, my spare keys in his hand, and I looked at him with a brow raised. "What's up?"

He was panting hard, breathing in, then out, then in, then out, and finally one huge sigh. "You'll never believe what just happened!" He exclaimed. I looked at him with a blank stare to show my apathy. My lips twitched as they usually did when I kept my face still.

He let out an exhausted sounding laugh, and continued, "The chief of the fire department down the street has got himself a new girlfriend!!!"

I rolled my eyes with my most dramatic wave of the hand. "Leave me alone, Gary," I said, "I don't have time for useless things like that."

The expression on Gary's face suddenly turned from excitement to something that looked like he just got slapped across the cheek. Hard...

He nodded quietly and whispered an apology, turning around, shoulders slumped, and dragging his legs in front of him to leave and still managing to shut the door behind him. I heard the click of it being locked and I relaxed against the cushions of my couch.

The room was empty once again, the way it was before Gary had come in. And yet, I felt the air around me to be different. He'd changed the atmosphere in less than two minutes and it frustrated me to know that more of it was my fault than his.

"Fine," I mumbled to myself, "I'll apologize, too..." I hated when things like this happened, but it couldn't be helped.

I got up from the couch that I had, in only seconds ago, been sleeping on, and slipped into my shoes. Before I did anything else, I wave of drowsiness swept over me and I had to stand against the wall to prevent my fall. "Geez...I shouldn't have gotten up so fast."

As I was waiting for the room to stop spinning, I heard the doorbell ring aloud throughout my house. "Who could that be?" I asked myself. "Ha! Maybe it's Gary again." But I knew I was wrong because once you told Gary to leave, he wouldn't show his sorry face again until he knew it was okay. And if it really was him, he would just go on ahead and use my spare keys again. Gary never used doorbells.

I took a step forward and felt something in my right shoe. "Huh?"

I looked down at my feet and back up at the sound of another doorbell. I hesitated for a while and finally concluded on making my way to the door first. Whatever was in my shoe could wait; the one that was repeatedly ringing my doorbell and now knocking loud on the door could not.

Why did they have to knock so loud anyways? I felt the urgency through the sound of their banging. "Who is it!?" I yelled behind the door and waited for an answer. There was a moment of hesitation and then-

"I'd like to use your bathroom please!"

That's weird, I thought. It seemed peculiar and very suspicious. The voice seemed unfamiliar and I guessed it to be some random druggie looking for a place to ruin. "Sorry, but not here!" I yelled in response.

"OPEN THIS FREAKING DOOR OR WE'LL FORCE IT DOWN!" He screamed, hysteric in his tone.

What? What's going on? I felt my heart pulsating faster and faster in my chest as I backed away from the door. Who's 'we?' I thought.

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