Sunday, May 17, 2009

3 - Into The Castle

Maybe something special this time just for himself. He wouldn’t overdo it. He’d think of something that would only just satisfy him with a smile and that would be enough. The thought struck him like lightning and he let out a gasp. Asher bit his lip, contemplating it over. Go to the castle...Be adventurous!

It wasn’t like he was going to go vandalize anything or break the law. It was just a visit. To a tourist site, after all.

He wondered why the castle was still open for visitors. The people of Europe knew how dangerous it was and yet no one was preventing anyone’s passage. This wasn’t the first time the situation had been questioned. There were articles on the newspaper and interviews on television about it and all the authorities ever did was avoid questions that led to anything deeper than that. A reporter even had the nerve to write about how their government was taking advantage of the captivating and curious story behind the castle only for more arrival of tourists. It was actually a great scheme if you wanted more people flooding the streets of England, but nothing could take away the fact that it was cruel and quite monstrous.

Maybe he’d just stand outside and enjoy the scenery from where he was. Asher sighed, finally making up his mind about it.

The cinnamon scent made his mouth water and quickly he walked out the house, taking only his coat with him.

“Good morning,” said the same girl from the last time he was at the café.

Asher nodded with a smile and greeted her back.

“Will you be having the usual?”

The usual being his same cup of coffee and a blueberry muffin, Asher decided to have something else that would make his day a little more special.

“Yes, but with whipped cream on top,” he said, cheerily, taking a seat at his usual spot at the corner with the dim lights. He crossed his legs, getting himself comfortable on the cushions of the sofa.

“Special day?” She went to work making a fresh pot of coffee just for Asher, since he was the very first customer of the day. A muffin was taken from under the glass and put on a plate.

“My birthday,” he mumbled out. His eyes scanned routinely for today’s issue of the paper from all the newspapers and magazines that were stacked in a mess on the coffee table in front of him.

The girl looked up at him, hearing the words, clear and audible. This caught more of her interest and she couldn’t help but ask more questions. “Wow. Happy birthday. How old will you be...if you don’t mind my asking?”

The coffee dripped its last drop and the pot was full to the rim. The aroma filled the room of freshly, brewed coffee and she poured a white mug full, topping it off with plenty of whipped cream.

“Eighteen.” His answers were short and vague. It only bothered the server a little, but she thought of it as a challenge as well. She just hoped he wouldn’t find her too annoying.

“Did you want whipped cream on your muffin as well?”

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